Blogging Master Class: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2022

Duration 8 m 50 s


$ 2000 Buy now
Blogging Master Class: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2022

About Course

সারা পৃথিবীর মোট ওয়েবসাইটের ৪০% হচ্ছে বিভিন্ন নিশের উপর ব্লগ সাইট। এবং অনলাইনে ইনকামের সব থেকে জনপ্রিয় মাধ্যম হচ্ছে ব্লগিং করা। কীভাবে আপনি ব্লগিং শুরু করবেন সেটার আদ্যপান্ত এই কোর্স থেকে শিখতে পারবেন। 

Course content

videoCourse Intro Start
videoHow to use this course Start
videoThe Mindset of A successful Blogger Start
videoContent Strategy & How to find your perfect niche Start
videoNaming & Branding your blog Start
videoWhy You Should Use Wordpress For Your Blog8 m 50 s
videoWhat You'll Need To Build A WordPress Site Start
videoHow To Set Up WordPress In 5 Minutes Or Less Start
videoAlternative WordPress Instructions Start
videoExploring The WordPress Dashboard Start
videoWordPress Posts & Pages Start
videoThe WordPress Post Editor Start
videoCustomizing Your WordPress Profile Start
videoFinding & Installing A WordPress Theme Start
videoHow To Customize Your Theme Start
videoWordPress Plugins Start
videoSecurity & Backups Start
videoAnalytics & Data Start
videoWhy you need a reliable ideation system Start
videoCreation Begins With Consumption Start
videoConducting A Brain Dump Start
videoThe #1 Tool For Content Research Start
videoQuestions Straight From Your Target Audience Start
videoHow Your Existing Audience And Content Can Help You Generate New Ideas Start
videoThe importance of effective writing Start
videoHow To Write Irresistible Headlines Start
videoMatching Your Audience's Tone & Vocabulary Start
videoCreating Focused Content Start
videoHow Grammatical Errors Can Cripple Your Efforts Start
videoHow To Become A Better Writer Start
videoExploring Various Types Of Content Start
videoHow To Create Epic List Content Start
videoTeaching Your Audience With Guides & Tutorials Start
videoTwo Approaches To Q&A Content Start
videoInterviews & Profiles Start
videoWhere A List Meets An Interview Start
videoHow To Write Valuable Reviews & Comparisons Start
videoWorking News Into Your Content Strategy Start
videoCreating Valuable Roundups & Resource Lists Start
videoThought, Opinion, And Controversy Start
videoStatistics & Original Research Start
videoPresenting Complex Data For Visual Learners Start
videoHow To Write A Case Study That Turns Readers Into Customers Start
videoAlternative Content Formats Start
videoHow To Generate An Infinite Stream Of Fresh Content Start
videoA Brief Introduction To SEO Start
videoUnderstanding Search Engines Start
videoBasic Site Setup For SEO Start
videoThe Best SEO Plugin For WordPress Start
videoOptimizing Your Page Titles Start
videoOptimizing Your Meta Descriptions Start
videoThemes & Template Settings Start
videoAnalyzing Your Content Start
videoChoose The Right Keywords And Create High-Ranking Content Start
videoDoes Keyword Density Matter? Start
videoInternal Links Start
videoImage Optimization Start
videoWhy Content Promotion Is Crucial Start
videoStrategic Collaboration Start
videoThe Formula For A Perfect Guest Post Pitch Start
videoA Simple Way To Get Leading Influencers To Share Your Content Start
videoTeasing Your Content On Social Media Start
videoHow To Get Your Content Featured In Popular Resource Lists Start
videoDon't Neglect This Free Source Of On-Demand Traffic Start
videoPromote Your Content In Groups & Niche Communities (Without Being Spammy) Start
videoThe Most Effective Way To Skyrocket Your Audience Overnight Start
videoWhy growing an email list should be your #1 priority Start
videoChoosing An Email Marketing Service Start
videoIncentivizing The Opt-In: 17 Lead Magnet Ideas Start
videoWhere To Place Opt-In Forms On Your Website Start
videoHigh-Profile Opt-In Forms Start
videoHow To Turn Commenters Into Subscribers Start
videoA Counterintuitive Strategy To Increase Your Conversion Rate Start
videoLeveraging Social Proof To Grow Your Email List Start
videoNurturing Your List: The Key To Building Lasting Relationships Start
videoHow to turn your blog into a business Start
videoThe Most Common Way To Monetize A Blog (And Why I Don't Recommend It) Start
videoThe Best Way To Monetize A Blog Without A Product Of Your Own Start
videoCreating & Selling Your Own Products On Your Blog Start
videoHow To Generate Long-Term, Recurring Subscription Revenue Start
videoUsing Your Blog To Market Your Services Start
videoSummary Start


Course Instructor